Wie Corona für soziale Berufe zur Chance werden kann /> Italien: Gewinne aus dem Gesundheitswesen werden als Anlagen an den Finanzmärkten gehandelt />

Hospital costs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in somatic patients: a retrospective study mydrg.de


Hospital costs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in somatic patients: a retrospective study

Hospital costs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in somatic patients: a retrospective study (Springer).

Post-traumatic stress disorder is likely to affect clinical courses in the somatic hospital ward when appearing as comorbidity. Thus, this study aimed to assess the costs associated with comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder in a somatic hospital and to analyze if reimbursement appropriately compensated additional costs.

The study used data from a German university hospital between 2011 and 2014,
analyzing 198,819 inpatient episodes. Inpatient’s episodes were included for
analysis if they had a somatic primary diagnosis and a secondary diagnosis of
post-traumatic stress disorder. [...]

Costs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder were substantial and
exceeded reimbursement, indicating an inadequate reimbursement for somatic
patients with comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder.

Quelle: Quelle: Springer, 11.07.2020, 11.07.2020

« Wie Corona für soziale Berufe zur Chance werden kann | Hospital costs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in somatic patients: a retrospective study | Italien: Gewinne aus dem Gesundheitswesen werden als Anlagen an den Finanzmärkten gehandelt »

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