Johannes-Diakonie Mosbach mit neuem Vorstandsvorsitzenden und kaufmännischen Vorstand /> Evangelisches Krankenhaus Göttingen Weende habe sich zur regionalen Marke entwickelt />

Potential loss of revenue due to errors in clinical coding during the implementation of the Malaysia diagnosis related group (MY-DRG ®) Casemix system in a teaching hospital in Malaysia


Potential loss of revenue due to errors in clinical coding during the implementation of the Malaysia diagnosis related group (MY-DRG ®) Casemix system in a teaching hospital in Malaysia

Potential loss of revenue due to errors in clinical coding during the implementation of the Malaysia diagnosis related group (MY-DRG ®) Casemix system in a teaching hospital in Malaysia (Springer).

« Johannes-Diakonie Mosbach mit neuem Vorstandsvorsitzenden und kaufmännischen Vorstand | Potential loss of revenue due to errors in clinical coding during the implementation of the Malaysia diagnosis related group (MY-DRG ®) Casemix system in a teaching hospital in Malaysia | Evangelisches Krankenhaus Göttingen Weende habe sich zur regionalen Marke entwickelt »

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