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Efficiency of the acute geriatric units compared to the rest of the hospital departments. A 5-year audit of the case-mix adjusted for diagnosis-related group mydrg.de


Efficiency of the acute geriatric units compared to the rest of the hospital departments. A 5-year audit of the case-mix adjusted for diagnosis-related group

Efficiency of the acute geriatric units compared to the rest of the hospital departments. A 5-year audit of the case-mix adjusted for diagnosis-related group (ScienceDirect).

Hospital occupancy rate by older patients is high, and it will be even higher in the future. Their hospital stay is usually longer, making it important for hospitals to develop structures with the best efficiency possible.

Hospital discharges of patients older than 75 years with the 15 most frequent
Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG) in Geriatrics were recorded during a 5-year
period in a 1,200-bed hospital. Length of stay was compared between the two
acute geriatric units (AGU), one in the general hospital (GH) and another in an
affiliate hospital (AH), as well as with the rest of departments.


AGU are 25% more efficient than the rest of hospital departments in managing
hospital admissions of patients older than 75 years.

Quelle: ScienceDirect, 18.11.2018

« 300 neue Klagen beim Sozialgericht Konstanz | Efficiency of the acute geriatric units compared to the rest of the hospital departments. A 5-year audit of the case-mix adjusted for diagnosis-related group | Wirbel um Krankenkassen-Klagewelle »

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