Ermittlungen am Klinikum Potsdam ausgeweitet /> Geschäftsführer verlässt Helios-Kliniken Schwerin unerwartet />

Cost-comparison of third generation transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) devices in the German Health Care System


Cost-comparison of third generation transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) devices in the German Health Care System

Cost-comparison of third generation transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) devices in the German Health Care System (Elsevier).

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has a substantial impact on daily cardiovascular care delivery based on issues such as cost effectiveness and economic value within a restricted health care budget. Until now, potential financial benefits of third
generation valve models have not been evaluated in a real-world setting.

Methods and results
[...] Overall costs did not differ significantly between valve models
(ES3/MER: x + 13.808.0€ ± 5.595.0 vs. x + 10.681.0€ ± 4.518.0; p = 0.6885) and
reimbursement was moderate (ES3/MER: 1.649.7€ vs. 4776.7€).

Quality, success rate, and costs were comparable between third generation
devices. Initial valve-kit costs were significantly higher in the ES3 group,
whereas overall costs did not significantly differ between the two valve

Quelle: Elsevier, 04.12.2018

« Ermittlungen am Klinikum Potsdam ausgeweitet | Cost-comparison of third generation transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) devices in the German Health Care System | Geschäftsführer verlässt Helios-Kliniken Schwerin unerwartet »

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