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Assessment of the Adjusted Clinical Groups system in Dutch primary care using electronic health records: a retrospective cross-sectional study mydrg.de


Assessment of the Adjusted Clinical Groups system in Dutch primary care using electronic health records: a retrospective cross-sectional study

Assessment of the Adjusted Clinical Groups system in Dutch primary care using electronic health records: a retrospective cross-sectional study (Springer).

Within the Dutch health care system the focus is shifting from a disease oriented approach to a more population based approach. Since every inhabitant in the Netherlands is registered with one general practice, this offers a unique possibility to perform Population Health Management analyses based on general practitioners (GP) registries. The Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACG) System is an internationally used method for predictive population analyses. The model categorizes individuals based on their complete health
profile, taking into account age, gender, diagnoses and medication. However,
the ACG system was developed with non-Dutch data. Consequently, for wider
implementation in Dutch general practice, the system needs to be validated in
the Dutch healthcare setting. In this paper we show the results of the first
use of the ACG system on Dutch GP data. The aim of this study is to explore how
well the ACG system can distinguish between different levels of GP healthcare


The results of this study show that the ACG system is a useful tool to stratify
Dutch primary care populations with GP healthcare utilization as the outcome

Quelle: Springer, 10.03.2021

« Das Krankenhaus Agatharied muss erhalten werden und in kommunaler Hand bleiben | Assessment of the Adjusted Clinical Groups system in Dutch primary care using electronic health records: a retrospective cross-sectional study | Intensivpflege in Deutschland gefährdet »

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