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Entropic measures of complexity in a new medical coding system mydrg.de


Entropic measures of complexity in a new medical coding system

Entropic measures of complexity in a new medical coding system (BMC).

Transitioning from an old medical coding system to a new one can be challenging, especially when the two coding systems are significantly different. [...]

The proposed entropic techniques are suitable to assess the complexity between
any two medical coding systems where mappings or crosswalks exist. The more the
entropy, the more likelihood of adoption challenges. Users can utilize the
suggested techniques as a guide to prioritize training efforts to improve
documentation and increase the chances of accurate coding, code validity, and
longitudinal data comparisons.

Quelle: BMC, 09.04.2021

« Die Verlagerung der stationären Chirurgie von Ebern nach Haßfurt ruft Kritik hervor | Entropic measures of complexity in a new medical coding system | Bremens Gesundheit Nord plant Zentralisierung von Klinik-Abteilungen »

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