Krankenhausmitarbeiter*innen widersprechen Berichterstattung über Zustände am Lauterbacher Krankenhaus /> Eichhof Krankenhaus Lauterbach: Den Hausärzteverband hätten Stimmungen von Verzweiflung und Perspektivlosigkeit erreicht />

The predictive validity and outcome of ICD-10 and DSM-5 short-lived psychotic disorders: a review and meta-analysis


The predictive validity and outcome of ICD-10 and DSM-5 short-lived psychotic disorders: a review and meta-analysis

The predictive validity and outcome of ICD-10 and DSM-5 short-lived psychotic disorders: a review and meta-analysis (Springer).

The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders introduced the category of acute and transient psychotic disorders (ATPDs) encompassing polymorphic, schizophrenic and predominantly delusional subtypes, and the forthcoming ICD-11 revision has restricted it to polymorphic psychotic disorder, while the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) listed ‘brief psychotic disorder’ (BPD).
Although these findings indicate that short-lived psychotic
disorders have little predictive validity, significant differences among the
ATPD subtypes support the revised ICD-11 ATPD category.

Quelle: Springer, 06.01.2022

« Krankenhausmitarbeiter*innen widersprechen Berichterstattung über Zustände am Lauterbacher Krankenhaus | The predictive validity and outcome of ICD-10 and DSM-5 short-lived psychotic disorders: a review and meta-analysis | Eichhof Krankenhaus Lauterbach: Den Hausärzteverband hätten Stimmungen von Verzweiflung und Perspektivlosigkeit erreicht »

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