Insolvente Rhön-Klinik Gersfeld kurz vor dem Aus? /> Diagnosebezogene Fallkosten für das Jahr 2011 />

Head-to-head comparison of fee-for-service and diagnosis related groups in two tertiary referral hospitals in Switzerland: an observational study


Head-to-head comparison of fee-for-service and diagnosis related groups in two tertiary referral hospitals in Switzerland: an observational study

Head-to-head comparison of fee-for-service and diagnosis related groups in two tertiary referral hospitals in Switzerland: an observational study (Swiss Medical Weekly).

« Insolvente Rhön-Klinik Gersfeld kurz vor dem Aus? | Head-to-head comparison of fee-for-service and diagnosis related groups in two tertiary referral hospitals in Switzerland: an observational study | Diagnosebezogene Fallkosten für das Jahr 2011 »

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