Krankenhauskosten in Rheinland-Pfalz 2017 weiter gestiegen /> Bremen: Volksbegehren gegen Pflegenotstand - Ziel sind feste Personalschlüssel auf den Stationen />

A pilot study on patient-related costs and factors associated with the cost of specialist palliative care in the hospital: first steps towards a patient classification system in Germany


A pilot study on patient-related costs and factors associated with the cost of specialist palliative care in the hospital: first steps towards a patient classification system in Germany

A pilot study on patient-related costs and factors associated with the cost of specialist palliative care in the hospital: first steps towards a patient classification system in Germany (BiomedCentral).

« Krankenhauskosten in Rheinland-Pfalz 2017 weiter gestiegen | A pilot study on patient-related costs and factors associated with the cost of specialist palliative care in the hospital: first steps towards a patient classification system in Germany | Bremen: Volksbegehren gegen Pflegenotstand - Ziel sind feste Personalschlüssel auf den Stationen »

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