Papst: Kürzungen im Gesundheitswesen seien skandalös /> Vorschläge der DKG zur Ambulantisierung sind kontraproduktiv und nicht patientenorientiert />

Adoption of large-scale medical equipment: the impact of competition in the German inpatient sector


Adoption of large-scale medical equipment: the impact of competition in the German inpatient sector

Adoption of large-scale medical equipment: the impact of competition in the German inpatient sector (Springer).

The availability of large-scale medical equipment such as computed tomography (CT), magnet resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scanners has increased rapidly worldwide over the last decades. Among OECD countries, Germany ranks high according to the number of imaging technologies and their applications per inhabitant. In contrast to other countries, there is no active governmental planning of large-scale medical equipment. We therefore
investigated whether and how the adoption and distribution of CT, MRI and PET
scanners in the German inpatient sector is subject to competition.
No influence regarding the amount of state subsidies could be
identified. Furthermore, hospital size and university status strongly affect
the adoption.

Quelle: Springer, 21.11.2021

« Papst: Kürzungen im Gesundheitswesen seien skandalös | Adoption of large-scale medical equipment: the impact of competition in the German inpatient sector | Vorschläge der DKG zur Ambulantisierung sind kontraproduktiv und nicht patientenorientiert »

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