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Analysis of Hospital Mortality Data: The Role of DRGs


Analysis of Hospital Mortality Data: The Role of DRGs

Analysis of Hospital Mortality Data: The Role of DRG's (Scientific Research).

Background: Factors associated with hospital mortality are usually identified and their effects are quantified through statistical modeling. To guide the choice of the best statistical model, we first quantify the predictive ability of each model and then use
the CIHI index to see if the hospital policy needs any change.

Objectives: The main purpose of this study compared three statistical models in the evaluation of the association between hospital mortality and two risk factors, namely subject’s age at admission
and the length of stay, adjusting for the effect of Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG).


Results: The GLM procedure showed that the proportional
contribution of DRG is 16%. All three models showed significant and increasing
trend in mortality (P < 0.0001) with respect to the two risk factors (age at
admission, and hospital length of stay). It was also clear that the CIHI index
was not different under the three models. We re-estimated the models parameters
after dichotomizing the risk factors at the optimal cut-off points, using the
ROC curve. The parameters estimates and their significance did not change.

Quelle: Scientific Research, 25.01.2019

« In Bayern lagern derzeit 6000 Blutkonserven | Analysis of Hospital Mortality Data: The Role of DRGs | Sonderverguetungen an den Universitaetsklinika Rostock und Greifswald Thema im Landtag »

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