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Clinical and economic burden of surgical site infections in inpatient care in Germany: A retrospective, cross-sectional analysis from 79 hospitals mydrg.de


Clinical and economic burden of surgical site infections in inpatient care in Germany: A retrospective, cross-sectional analysis from 79 hospitals

Clinical and economic burden of surgical site infections in inpatient care in Germany: A retrospective, cross-sectional analysis from 79 hospitals (PLOS One).

Surgical site infections (SSI) present a substantial burden to patients and healthcare systems. This study aimed to elucidate the prevalence of SSIs in German hospitals and to quantify their clinical and economic burden based on German hospital reimbursement data (G-DRG).

The significantly increased mortality of patients with SSI, and their underfunding, calls for a
maximization of efforts to prevent SSI through the use of evidence-based
SSI-reduction care bundles.

Quelle: PLOS One, 28.12.2022

« Wer übernimmt die Geschäftsführung am Klinikum Bremerhaven Reinkenheide? | Clinical and economic burden of surgical site infections in inpatient care in Germany: A retrospective, cross-sectional analysis from 79 hospitals | Klinikum Chemnitz ist jetzt Mitglied im deutschlandweiten Netzwerk Medizininformatik-Initiative »