Gesundheitswirtschaft Fakten & Zahlen Ausgabe 2019 - Länderergebnisse der Gesundheitswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung /> Entwurf des COVID-19 Krankenhausentlastungsgesetzes enttäuscht die Kliniken />

Clinical Documentation for Intensivists: The Impact of Diagnosis Documentation


Clinical Documentation for Intensivists: The Impact of Diagnosis Documentation

Clinical Documentation for Intensivists: The Impact of Diagnosis Documentation (Critical Care Medicine).

The aim of this review is to describe the interaction of clinical documentation with patient care, measures of patient acuity, quality metrics, research database accuracy, and healthcare reimbursement in order to highlight potential areas of improvement for intensivists.


Documentation of specific diagnoses in the medical record is important in the
broad context of our existing medical system but there is an associated burden
in doing so. Widespread implementation of electronic medical record systems has
inadvertently led to clinician dissatisfaction and burnout. [...]

Quelle: Critical Care Medicine, 23.03.2020

« Gesundheitswirtschaft Fakten & Zahlen Ausgabe 2019 - Länderergebnisse der Gesundheitswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung | Clinical Documentation for Intensivists: The Impact of Diagnosis Documentation | Entwurf des COVID-19 Krankenhausentlastungsgesetzes enttäuscht die Kliniken »

Anzeige: ID GmbH