Impact of DRGs-based inpatient service management on the performance of regional inpatient services in Shanghai, China /> Wie hoch ist die Kinderzahl von Männern? />

Comparative analysis of resource utilization in integrative anthroposophic and all German pediatric inpatient departments


Comparative analysis of resource utilization in integrative anthroposophic and all German pediatric inpatient departments

Comparative analysis of resource utilization in integrative anthroposophic and all German pediatric inpatient departments (BMC).

Integrative Medicine (IM) combines conventional and complementary therapies. It aims to address biological, psychological, social, spiritual and environmental aspects of patients’ health. During the past 20 years, the use and request of IM in children and adults has grown.
Treatment within integrative anthroposophic pediatric departments fits well in
terms of the DRG defined conditions concerning length of stay, even though
integrative pediatric patients has an increased length of stay of averagely 1
day, which is most likely associated to time consuming, complex integrative
treatment approaches and to a certain extend to higher amount of chronic and
severe diseases.

Quelle: BMC, 12.10.2020

« Impact of DRGs-based inpatient service management on the performance of regional inpatient services in Shanghai, China | Comparative analysis of resource utilization in integrative anthroposophic and all German pediatric inpatient departments | Wie hoch ist die Kinderzahl von Männern? »