Leitlinie Prävention, Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge des Lungenkarzinoms - Konsultationfassung /> Ärztetag fordert grundlegende Krankenhausreformen />

Cost-effectiveness of the MitraClip device in German heart failure patients with secondary mitral regurgitation mydrg.de


Cost-effectiveness of the MitraClip device in German heart failure patients with secondary mitral regurgitation

Cost-effectiveness of the MitraClip device in German heart failure patients with secondary mitral regurgitation (Springer).

To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the MitraClip device (MitraClip) in addition to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in patients with heart failure and secondary mitral regurgitation in Germany.

Depending on the willingness-to-pay threshold, for patients with heart failure
and a moderate-to-severe or severe secondary mitral regurgitation the MitraClip
can be cost-effective from the perspective of the German SHI.

Quelle: Springer, 27.05.2023

« Leitlinie Prävention, Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge des Lungenkarzinoms - Konsultationfassung | Cost-effectiveness of the MitraClip device in German heart failure patients with secondary mitral regurgitation | Ärztetag fordert grundlegende Krankenhausreformen »