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Costs of unnecessary repeated diagnostic tests in cholecystectomy


Costs of unnecessary repeated diagnostic tests in cholecystectomy

Costs of unnecessary repeated diagnostic tests in cholecystectomy (Wiley).

The purpose of this study was to calculate the number, rate and cost of unnecessarily repeated tests on the patients who underwent open cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy and figure out the share of the unnecessarily repeated test costs in total test
expenditures and total treatment expenditures. Alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase, Total bilirubin, whole abdominal
ultrasonography, upper abdominal ultrasonography, hepatobiliary ultrasonography
tests, which were among the tests used in the patients who underwent

Reducing the use of excessive health service
and the related health expenditures, working to reveal its financial and
medical benefits are crucial for the reimbursement agency, health service hosts
and patients.

Unnecessary health expenses resulting from unnecessary repeated tests may lead
to wastage of resources.

This study revealed that that unnecessary test costs consisted of 8.48% of the
total test costs and 0.93% of the total treatment expenditures.

Analyzing and investigating unnecessary health expenditures is inevitable in all health systems.

Quelle: Wiley, 20.02.2022

« Der Druck auf kleine Krankenhäuser wird immer größer | Costs of unnecessary repeated diagnostic tests in cholecystectomy | Az. 7 K 3674/20: Einem Krankenhaus kann die Anerkennung als Notfallversorger versagt werden »

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