Verbrauchsmaterialien in der Versorgung von außerklinisch beatmeten Menschen im Zuge der COVID-19 Pandemie /> Anspruch auf stationäre Rehabilitation ausgeweitet />

Current diagnosis-related group-based bundling for upper-extremity arthroplasty: a case of insufficient risk adjustment and misaligned incentives


Current diagnosis-related group-based bundling for upper-extremity arthroplasty: a case of insufficient risk adjustment and misaligned incentives

Current diagnosis-related group-based bundling for upper-extremity arthroplasty: a case of insufficient risk adjustment and misaligned incentives (Elsevier).

[...] Under the DRG-based model piloted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, providers and hospitals would be reimbursed the same amount
regardless of the type of surgery (ATSA vs. hemiarthroplasty vs. TEA), patient
comorbidity burden, and diagnosis and indication for surgery (fracture vs.
degenerative pathology), despite each of these factors having different
resource utilization and associated reimbursements. Lack of risk adjustment for
fracture indications leads to strong financial disincentives within this

Quelle: Elsevier, 30.03.2020

« Verbrauchsmaterialien in der Versorgung von außerklinisch beatmeten Menschen im Zuge der COVID-19 Pandemie | Current diagnosis-related group-based bundling for upper-extremity arthroplasty: a case of insufficient risk adjustment and misaligned incentives | Anspruch auf stationäre Rehabilitation ausgeweitet »