Teamleitung medizinische Kodierung m-w-d Pius Hospital Oldenburg /> Führungswechsel: Kliniken Delitzsch und Eilenburg mit neuer medizinischer Geschäftsführerin />

Early prediction of diagnostic-related groups and estimation of hospital cost by processing clinical notes


Early prediction of diagnostic-related groups and estimation of hospital cost by processing clinical notes

Early prediction of diagnostic-related groups and estimation of hospital cost by processing clinical notes (Nature).

As healthcare providers receive fixed amounts of reimbursement for given services under DRG (Diagnosis-Related Groups) payment, DRG codes are valuable for cost monitoring and resource allocation. However, coding is typically performed
retrospectively post-discharge. We seek to predict DRGs and DRG-based case mix index (CMI) at early inpatient admission using routine clinical text to estimate hospital cost in an acute setting.

As the model could adapt to variations in admission time, cohort size, and requires no extra manual coding efforts, it shows potential to help estimating costs for active patients to support better
operational decision-making in hospitals.

Quelle: Nature, 01.07.2021

« Teamleitung medizinische Kodierung m-w-d Pius Hospital Oldenburg | Early prediction of diagnostic-related groups and estimation of hospital cost by processing clinical notes | Führungswechsel: Kliniken Delitzsch und Eilenburg mit neuer medizinischer Geschäftsführerin »