Die Prüfverfahrensvereinbarung auf dem Prüfstand des BSG /> verdi fordert Fortsetzung der Tarifverhandlungen an den Asklepios-Kliniken in Brandenburg />

Economic analysis of the costs associated with Hidradenitis suppurativa at a German University Hospital mydrg.de


Economic analysis of the costs associated with Hidradenitis suppurativa at a German University Hospital

Economic analysis of the costs associated with Hidradenitis suppurativa at a German University Hospital (PLOS One).

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) significantly affects the patient`s quality of life and leads to multiple medical consultations. Aim of this study was to assess the utilization of medical care of HS patients.

[...] However, the primary goal
of physicians is not and should not be to save costs regarding their
patients`treatment, but rather the premise to utilize the existing resources as
efficient as possible. Reducing the use of costly therapeutics and inpatient
stays therefore requires more effective therapy options with an improved
cost-benefit profile.

Quelle: PLOS One, 04.08.2021

« Die Prüfverfahrensvereinbarung auf dem Prüfstand des BSG | Economic analysis of the costs associated with Hidradenitis suppurativa at a German University Hospital | verdi fordert Fortsetzung der Tarifverhandlungen an den Asklepios-Kliniken in Brandenburg »

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