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Effects of the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trauma surgery clinic of a German Level I Trauma Center mydrg.de


Effects of the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trauma surgery clinic of a German Level I Trauma Center

Effects of the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trauma surgery clinic of a German Level I Trauma Center (Springer).

The effects of the first pandemic wave on a German Level I Trauma Center should be evaluated to find ways to redistribute structural, personnel, and financial resources in a targeted manner in preparation for the assumed second pandemic wave.

To reduce the risk of an increased burden on the healthcare infrastructure, it
suggests the care of trauma and COVID-19 patients should be separated locally,
when possible.

Quelle: Springer, 15.04.2021

« Klinik Oberkirch soll im Herbst schließen | Effects of the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trauma surgery clinic of a German Level I Trauma Center | MEDICIN Reha-Zentrum Roter Hügel mit neuem Kaufmännischen Direktor »

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