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Field testing a new ICD coding system: methods and early experiences with ICD-11 Beta Version 2018 mydrg.de


Field testing a new ICD coding system: methods and early experiences with ICD-11 Beta Version 2018

Field testing a new ICD coding system: methods and early experiences with ICD-11 Beta Version 2018 (Springer).

[...] Real-world usability encompasses code selection and time to code a complete inpatient chart using ICD-11 compared with ICD-10-CA.
[...] Coders selected ICD-11 codes and coded complete acute care records in a timely manner. Length of stay contributed to longer coding times. Training was crucial for strong IRR for a new classification system.

Quelle: Springer, 08.11.2022

« 82,45 Millionen Euro Finanzhilfen in Brandenburg | Field testing a new ICD coding system: methods and early experiences with ICD-11 Beta Version 2018 | Diakonie München-Oberbayern: Vorstandssprecher wurde keine Amtspflichtverletzung nachgewiesen »

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