Asklepios Klinik Lich scheitert mit Klage gegen Uniklinik Gießen /> Handreichung der AG Digitaler Wandel des Marburger Bundes zum Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz (KHZG) />

Financial analysis of revision knee surgery at a tertiary referral centre as classified according to the Revision Knee Complexity Classification (RKCC)


Financial analysis of revision knee surgery at a tertiary referral centre as classified according to the Revision Knee Complexity Classification (RKCC)

Financial analysis of revision knee surgery at a tertiary referral centre as classified according to the Revision Knee Complexity Classification (RKCC) (Elsevier).

Revision total knee arthroplasty (rTKA) can be complex, with greater costs to the treating hospital than primary TKA. A rTKA regional network has been proposed in England. The aim of this work was to accurately quantify current costs and reimbursement for the rTKA service and to assess whether costs are
proportional to case complexity at a tertiary referral centre within the National Health Service (NHS).

The current level of NHS reimbursement are inadequate for centres that offer
rTKA and should be more closely aligned to case complexity.

Quelle: Elsevier, 18.03.2021

« Asklepios Klinik Lich scheitert mit Klage gegen Uniklinik Gießen | Financial analysis of revision knee surgery at a tertiary referral centre as classified according to the Revision Knee Complexity Classification (RKCC) | Handreichung der AG Digitaler Wandel des Marburger Bundes zum Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz (KHZG) »

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