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Importance of coding co-morbidities for APR-DRG assignment: Focus on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases


Importance of coding co-morbidities for APR-DRG assignment: Focus on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases

Importance of coding co-morbidities for APR-DRG assignment: Focus on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (Sage Journals).

The All Patient-Refined Diagnosis-Related Groups (APR-DRGs) system has adjusted the basic DRG structure by incorporating four severity of illness (SOI) levels, which are used for determining hospital payment.
A comprehensive report of all relevant diagnoses, namely the patient’s underlying co-morbidities, is a key factor for ensuring that SOI determination will be adequate.

Quelle: Sage Journals, 01.05.2019

« Privater Klinikbetreiber Sana beklagt sinkende Patientenzahlen und politische Überregulierung | Importance of coding co-morbidities for APR-DRG assignment: Focus on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases | The healthcare response to human trafficking: A need for globally harmonized ICD codes »

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