Kliniken müssen täglich ihre Belegung auf Normal- und Intensivstationen melden /> Kevelaerer Fachdialog 2022 />

Predicting the Annual Funding for Public Hospitals with Regression Analysis on Hospital's Operating Costs: Evidence from the Greek Public Sector mydrg.de


Predicting the Annual Funding for Public Hospitals with Regression Analysis on Hospital's Operating Costs: Evidence from the Greek Public Sector

Predicting the Annual Funding for Public Hospitals with Regression Analysis on Hospital's Operating Costs: Evidence from the Greek Public Sector (MDPI).

[...] The main conclusion is that the type of hospital in combination with the number of beds, the existence of an intensive care unit, the number of employees, the total number of inpatients, their days of hospitalization and the total number of laboratory tests are the key factors that determine the hospital’s operating costs.

Quelle: MDPI, 27.08.2022

« Kliniken müssen täglich ihre Belegung auf Normal- und Intensivstationen melden | Predicting the Annual Funding for Public Hospitals with Regression Analysis on Hospital's Operating Costs: Evidence from the Greek Public Sector | Kevelaerer Fachdialog 2022 »

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