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Ranking of the most relevant hospital inpatient diagnoses by age and diagnostic group based on DRG statistics in Germany


Ranking of the most relevant hospital inpatient diagnoses by age and diagnostic group based on DRG statistics in Germany

Ranking of the most relevant hospital inpatient diagnoses by age and diagnostic group based on DRG statistics in Germany (Springer).

Inpatient healthcare demand is influenced by demographic changes; however, existing research mainly focuses on age-related conditions among older age groups and lacks empirical evidence. We aimed to identify important indicator diagnoses by group, which best characterise
age-specific conditions and their demand of inpatient services in Germany.

We empirically identified 13 diagnosis groups, which best describe the
inpatient services utilised among various age groups in a ranked order.

Quelle: Springer, 07.12.2019

« Thüringen-Kliniken Saalfeld-Rudolstadt wollen expandieren | Ranking of the most relevant hospital inpatient diagnoses by age and diagnostic group based on DRG statistics in Germany | Die Grünen kritisieren die Schließung der Parchimer Kinderstation »

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