The Cost of Hip and Knee Revision Arthroplasty by Diagnosis-Related Groups: Comparing Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing and Traditional Accounting
The Cost of Hip and Knee Revision Arthroplasty by Diagnosis-Related Groups: Comparing Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing and Traditional Accounting (Elsevier).
Controlling - diagnosis related groups - DRG - Endoprothetik - Hüftgelenk-Endoprothese Hüft-TEP - innerbetriebliche Leistungsverrechnung (IBLV) - Kalkulation - Knie-Endoprothese - Kostentreiber - Kostenvergleich - Kostenverteilungsschlüssel - Krankenhausabrechnung - Literaturliste - Orthopädie - Prozesskostenrechnung - Quality improvement - Revisions-OP - Time-driven Activity-based Costing (TD ABC) - Unfallchirurgie - URL