Berichterstattung zur angeblichen Datenschutzverletzung bei Konnektor /> Anklage gegen Präsidenten der Saarländischen Ärztekammer />

The long-run effects of diagnosis related group payment on hospital lengths of stay in a publicly funded health care system: Evidence from 15 years of micro data


The long-run effects of diagnosis related group payment on hospital lengths of stay in a publicly funded health care system: Evidence from 15 years of micro data

The long-run effects of diagnosis related group payment on hospital lengths of stay in a publicly funded health care system: Evidence from 15 years of micro data (Wiley).

Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) payment systems are a common means of paying for hospital services. They reward greater activity and therefore potentially encourage more rapid treatment. This paper uses 15 years of administrative data to examine the impact of a DRG system introduced in England on hospital lengths of stay. We utilize different econometric models, exploiting within and cross
jurisdiction variation, to identify policy effects, finding that the reduction
of lengths of stay was greater than previously estimated and grew over time.
This constitutes new and important evidence of the ability of financing reform
to generate substantial and persistent change in healthcare delivery.

Quelle: Wiley, 02.03.2022

« Berichterstattung zur angeblichen Datenschutzverletzung bei Konnektor | The long-run effects of diagnosis related group payment on hospital lengths of stay in a publicly funded health care system: Evidence from 15 years of micro data | Anklage gegen Präsidenten der Saarländischen Ärztekammer »

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