Az. L 11 KR 236/20: Beweislastumkehr bei Rückzahlungsbegehr einer Krankenkasse ohne Einleitung einer Auffälligkeitsprüfung durch den MDK /> Vorstandstätigkeit an der Spitze des kommunalen ANregiomed-Klinikverbunds wird verlängert />

Utilising International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Conditions (ICD)-10 Australian Modification Classifications of Health Conditions to Achieve Population Health Surveillance in an Australian Spinal Cord Injury Cohort


Utilising International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Conditions (ICD)-10 Australian Modification Classifications of Health Conditions to Achieve Population Health Surveillance in an Australian Spinal Cord Injury Cohort

Utilising International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Conditions (ICD)-10 Australian Modification Classifications of Health Conditions to Achieve Population Health Surveillance in an Australian Spinal Cord Injury Cohort (Nature).

Retrospective, non-randomised, registry controlled. Objective To develop a conceptual ICD-10 taxonomic framework for population health surveillance across all-phases of spinal cord injury and disorders (SCI/D).
The ICD-10 core “Health Condition” data-set assembled extends our understanding of SCI/D epidemiology and with further development may create a cost-efficient and sustainable framework that will improve health system performance and equity within and between countries.

Quelle: Nature, 24.02.2022

« Az. L 11 KR 236/20: Beweislastumkehr bei Rückzahlungsbegehr einer Krankenkasse ohne Einleitung einer Auffälligkeitsprüfung durch den MDK | Utilising International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Conditions (ICD)-10 Australian Modification Classifications of Health Conditions to Achieve Population Health Surveillance in an Australian Spinal Cord Injury Cohort | Vorstandstätigkeit an der Spitze des kommunalen ANregiomed-Klinikverbunds wird verlängert »

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