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Utilization and Regional Differences of In-Patient Services for Peripheral Arterial Disease and Acute Limb Ischemia in Germany: Secondary Analysis of Nationwide DRG Data mydrg.de


Utilization and Regional Differences of In-Patient Services for Peripheral Arterial Disease and Acute Limb Ischemia in Germany: Secondary Analysis of Nationwide DRG Data

Utilization and Regional Differences of In-Patient Services for Peripheral Arterial Disease and Acute Limb Ischemia in Germany: Secondary Analysis of Nationwide DRG Data (MDPI).

The objective of this study was to describe the German health care landscape and to assess hospital utilization with respect to PAD and ALI.

Conclusions: Increased use of endovascular techniques was observed, while hospital utilization to treat
PAD with tissue loss has decreased. This is despite an increased hospital
incidence. Addressing socioeconomic inequalities and a more homogeneous
distribution of dedicated vascular units might be advantageous in reducing the
burden of disease associated with PAD and ALI.

Quelle: MDPI, 11.04.2022

« Whistleblower-Richtlinie: Sinn und Zweck im Überblick | Utilization and Regional Differences of In-Patient Services for Peripheral Arterial Disease and Acute Limb Ischemia in Germany: Secondary Analysis of Nationwide DRG Data | Neue halbtägige fachabteilungsspezifische Seminare im Mai 2022 »

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