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Variability drivers of treatment costs in hospitals: A systematic review mydrg.de


Variability drivers of treatment costs in hospitals: A systematic review

Variability drivers of treatment costs in hospitals: A systematic review (Science Direct).

Studies on variability drivers of treatment costs in hospitals can provide the necessary information for policymakers and healthcare providers seeking to redesign reimbursement schemes and improve the outcomes-over-cost ratio, respectively. This systematic literature review, focusing on the hospital perspective, provides an overview of studies focusing on
variability in treatment cost, an outline of their study characteristics and cost drivers, and suggestions on future research methodology.

Various patient, treatment and disease characteristics were identified to
explain hospital cost variability. The limited transparency on how hospital
costs are defined is a remarkable observation for studies wherein cost
variability is the main focus.

Quelle: Science Direct, 18.12.2021

« Das neue ViDia Krankenhaus in Karlsruhe wird eröffnet | Variability drivers of treatment costs in hospitals: A systematic review | SwissDRG: Kostenübernahme für die stationäre Behandlung im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie »

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