Medicare reimbursement for common general surgery procedures has declined over the last decade
Medicare reimbursement for common general surgery procedures has declined over the last decade (American Journal of Surgery).
Medicare reimbursement for common general surgery procedures has declined over the last decade (American Journal of Surgery).
Acute Myocardial Infarction Cohorts Defined by International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision Versus Diagnosis-Related Groups: Analysis of Diagnostic Agreement and Quality Measures in an Integrated Health System (Circulation).
Trends in Medicare Utilization and Reimbursement for Wound Debridement Procedures 2012-2017 (Taylor & Francis).
Reimbursement models in pediatric cardiac surgery: The unrefined All Patient Refined Diagnosis-Related Group (The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery).
USA: Krankenhaus schickt Millionenrechnung (NTV).
Current diagnosis-related group-based bundling for upper-extremity arthroplasty: a case of insufficient risk adjustment and misaligned incentives (Elsevier).
DRG-based bundled reimbursement for lumbar fusion: implications for patient selection (Journal of Neurosurgery).
Krankheitskosten - Behandlungskosten chronischer Wunden sind höher als angenommen (Thieme Connect).
Hospital responses to price shocks under the prospective payment system (Wiley).
Krankenhausvergleich mit Ranking soll mehr Wettbewerb und geringere Kosten bringen (Tagesspiegel).
Estimate of Federal Payment Reductions to Hospitals Following the ACA 2010-2028 (American Hospital Association, PDF, 1,4 MB).
Estimate of Federal Payment Reductions to Hospitals Following the ACA 2010-2028 (American Hospital Association, PDF, 1,4 MB).
It Is Time to Liberate Hospitals from Profit-Centered Care (Springer).
Effekte von Pay-for-Performance seien begrenzt und enttäuschend (Deutsches Ärzteblatt).
Pay-for-performance: Auch lang einwirkende finanzielle Anreize verbessern die Qualität gesundheitlicher Leistungen nicht (Forum Gesundheitspolitik).
Clinical Validation Versus DRG Validation (ICD10-Monitor).
Medicare reimbursement and orthopedic surgery: past, present, and future (Springer).
Bundled Payments for Care Improvement: Preparing for the Medical Diagnosis-Related Groups (Ovid).
Inpatient Complexity in Radiology - a Practical Application of the Case Mix Index Metric (Journal of Digital Imaging).
Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture Is Not a Typical DRG 470: A Propensity-matched Cohort Study (Springer).
Was braucht der Patient? (Die Zeit).
A survey on the state of healthcare upcoding fraud analysis and detection (Springer).
How Do Case Type, Length of Stay, and Comorbidities Affect Medicare Diagnosis-Related Group Reimbursement for Minimally Invasive Surgery for Deformity? (PubMed).
Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture Is Not a Typical DRG 470: A Propensity-matched Cohort Study (Springer).
Cost Variation Within Spinal Fusion Payment Groups (PubMed).
Hospital Characteristics Associated With Penalties in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program (Journal of the American Medical Association).
ICD-10's impact on reimbursement (Managed Healthcare Executive).
Association of the position of a hospital-acquired condition diagnosis code with changes in medicare severity diagnosis-related group assignment (Journal of Hospital Medicine).
Improving and Measuring Inpatient Documentation of Medical Care within the MS-DRG System: Education, Monitoring, and Normalized Case Mix Index (Perspectives in Health Information Management).
Protecting MS-DRG Integrity in ICD-10 (ICD10monitor).
Krankenhausfinanzierung: Ein System am Scheideweg (Deutsches Ärzteblatt).
Impella Maintains Existing Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) Assignment With Updated ICD-10 Coding Issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (Wallstreet Journal).
Lesetipp: Pay for Performance: What We Measure Matters (American Medical Association).
Transfer DRG underpayments cost US Hospitals hundreds of millions of dollars each year, according to new white paper (PRWeb).
Clinical characteristics associated with readmission among patients undergoing vascular surgery (Journal of Vascular Surgery).
Bundled Payments in Total Joint Arthroplasty: Targeting Opportunities for Quality Improvement and Cost Reduction (Springer).
Moody's: Medicare reimbursement rates affecting hospital credit (H&HN).
New Dashboard Highlights Patterns in Medicare DRG Volumes, Payments, and Claims at US Hospitals (Health Data Intelligence).
The complexities of coding bilateral procedures (Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons).
US-Blutwäschereien: Medicare will knapp 10% weniger zahlen - Aktienkurse von Fresenius Medical Care (FMC) fallen (Handelsblatt).
Impact of Specialist Consultations on Inpatient Admissions for Dermatology-Specific and Related DRGs (Springerlink).
Southeast Alabama Medical Center selects Transfer DRG Revenue Recovery Service (PRWeb).
Flughafen München GmbH (FMG) will Airportclinic erweitern - Landrat besorgt um Krankenhaus Erding (Merkur).
USA: Medicare streicht Chemotherapie-Medikamente zusammen - Kliniken weisen onkologische Patienten ab (SWR).
What's The Price? Simple Question, Complicated Answer In Medicare (Kaiser Health News).
Gesundheitswesen in den USA: "Romneycare" vs. "Obamacare" (Neue Zürcher Zeitung).
A Giant Hospital Chain Is Blazing a Profit Trail (New York Times).
The Medicare Upcoding Hustle (GoozNews).
Prevalence and Outcomes of Same-Day Discharge After Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Among Older Patients (JAMA).
Readmission Rates After Total Hip Arthroplasty (Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)).
Interessant: The Documentation and Coding Adjustment (DCA): A CDI Specialist's View (AdvanceWeb).
Don't code prematurely to ensure proper DRGs, hospital payments (FierceHealthcare).
2010 Physician Quality Reporting System (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services).
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Medicare Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty, 1991-2008 (Journal of the American Medical Association).
FMC profitiert vom Wegfall einer Gebühr bei neuem US-Erstattungssystem (Finanzen).
Bessere Überlebenschancen in teurerem Krankenhaus (Telepolis).
Feasibility and validity of International Classification of Diseases based case mix indices (Springerlink).
The Impact of Resident Duty Hour Reform on Hospital Readmission Rates Among Medicare Beneficiaries (Springerlink).
Bundled-Rate Legislation for Medicare Reimbursement for Dialysis Services: Implications for Anemia Management with ESAs (PubMed).
Der 163-Millionen-Dollar-Betrug: Größter Skandal in der Geschichte des US-Gesundheitswesens (20min).
Effect of hospitalists on length of stay in the medicare population: variation according to hospital and patient characteristics (PubMed).
Using Race as a Case-Mix Adjustment Factor in a Renal Dialysis Payment System: Potential and Pitfalls (PubMed).
Does Your Documentation Support Payment? (Nursing Consult).
7 Tips for RAC Region A Providers (HealthLeadersMedia).
Renal Economics: Finding the case mix adjusters in the bundle (NephrOnline).
Reformdruck auf Amerikas Spitälern - Explodierende Kosten zwingen zu Anpassungen (Neue Zürcher Zeitung).
Obamas Schicksalsgesetz: Im Zickzack zur Gesundheit-für-alle-Reform (Handelsblatt).
Reimbursement for PET Procedures (Springerlink).
Studie: Mehr Klinikeinweisungen durch Praxispauschale (Deutsches Ärzteblatt).
NCCI: Comp Medicare Rate Link Can Cause Overpayment (P & C).
CMS modifies DRG validation in 2010, based on RAC input (HealthImaging).
Step-by-Step Medicine (The Hospitalist).
Structure and performance of different DRG classification systems for neonatal medicine (1999) (CiteULike).
Kanadisches Gesundheitssystem - Hintergrund (Yahoo).
Hospital cost control in Norway: a decade's experience with prospective payment (PubMed, 1985).
USA: Obama lässt nicht locker (Handelsblatt).
Amerikas Gesundheitsreform: Eine Billion - oder zwei? (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).
Relationship between diabetes codes that affect Medicare reimbursement (tier comorbidities) and outcomes in stroke rehabilitation (PubMed).
Herzstillstand im Krankenhaus (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).
US-Gesundheitssystem: Der amerikanische Patient (Die Presse).
Dritte-Welt-Land USA - Gesundheitsindustrie läuft Sturm gegen geplante staatliche Krankenversicherung (Junge Welt).
US-Regierung einigt sich mit Krankenhäusern auf Kostensenkungen (Reuters).
US-Pharmafirmen stimmen Milliarden-Einsparungen zu (Reuters).
Krankenversicherung in den USA: Operation Gesundheit (Süddeutsche Zeitung).
Obama will Effizienz im Gesundheitswesen steigern (Finanznachrichten).
Medicare program: Revisions to FY 2009 Medicare severity-long-term care diagnosis-related group (MS-LTC-DRG) weights. Interim final rule with comment period (Federal Register).
APR DRG weights and the relationship to patient falls (AccessMyLibrary).
Medicare Nonpayment, Hospital Falls, and Unintended Consequences (New England Journal of Medicine).
Lesetipp: The Cost Conundrum - What a Texas town can teach us about health care (The New Yorker).
Case Mix, Quality and High-Cost Kidney Transplant Patients (IngentaConnect).
Medicare's Value-Based Payment Initiatives: Impact on and Implications for Improving Physician Documentation and Coding (American Journal of Medical Quality).
Alles unter Kontrolle (Financial Times Deutschland).
Does your documentation assurance program stop short? (PharmacyChoice).
CMS to Seek Recoupment of USD 25 Million From Hospitals Under Medicare's Post-Acute Transfer Policy (Linexlegal).
U.S. to Compare Medical Treatments (New York Times).
New DRGs boost pay - Early results for Fiscal Year 2008 show variation in reimbursement impact among medical services (AHD, PDF, 35 kB).
In Just a Flash, Simple Surgery Can Turn Deadly (Wallstreet Journal).
Perplexities in Hospital Medicine: Coding and documentation: Medicare severity diagnosis-related groups and present-on-admission documentation (Wiley Interscience).
Variation in patients hospice costs: Hospice costs vary across patients and within a hospice stay (PubMed).