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Financial implications of the renewed reimbursement system of total hip arthroplasty in Belgium


Financial implications of the renewed reimbursement system of total hip arthroplasty in Belgium

Financial implications of the renewed reimbursement system of total hip arthroplasty in Belgium (Acta Orthopaedica Belgica).

In Belgium, from June 1st 2018 on, a renewed reim- bursement for hip arthroplasty implants was launched and from January 1st 2019 on, a lump sum covering doctors’ fees for “low variable patients”, was introduced.
In time, the new system can lead to an optimization of care, but it can also lead to a
progressive decrease of funding if future fees and implant reimbursements would be aligned
towards the national mean. Moreover, we fear the new financing system could affect the
quality of care and/or result in the selection of profitable patients.

Quelle: Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, 17.02.2023

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