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Contemporary treatment trends for upper urinary tract stones in a total population analysis in Germany from 2006 to 2019: will shock wave lithotripsy become extinct?


Contemporary treatment trends for upper urinary tract stones in a total population analysis in Germany from 2006 to 2019: will shock wave lithotripsy become extinct?

Contemporary treatment trends for upper urinary tract stones in a total population analysis in Germany from 2006 to 2019: will shock wave lithotripsy become extinct? (Springer).

To describe the change in upper urinary tract stone management in Germany over a 14-year period. [...] Conclusion We observed an increase in interventional therapy for upper tract urolithiasis in Germany with a dramatic shift from SWL to endoscopic/percutaneous treatment.
These changes may be attributed to enormous technological advances of the
endoscopic armamentarium and to reimbursement issues.

Quelle: Springer, 28.08.2021

« Macht die Charité Werbung für die Grünen? | Contemporary treatment trends for upper urinary tract stones in a total population analysis in Germany from 2006 to 2019: will shock wave lithotripsy become extinct? | Abschied vom Bett: Neuer Krankenhausplan in NRW vorgestellt »

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