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Additional reimbursement for outpatient physicians treating nursing home residents reduces avoidable hospital admissions: Results of a reimbursement change in Germany


Additional reimbursement for outpatient physicians treating nursing home residents reduces avoidable hospital admissions: Results of a reimbursement change in Germany

Additional reimbursement for outpatient physicians treating nursing home residents reduces avoidable hospital admissions: Results of a reimbursement change in Germany (Elsevier).

Potentially avoidable hospitalizations of nursing home residents are costly. Additional reimbursements for outpatient physicians are an effective tool to reduce them. Our analysis highlights a 5–8 percent reduction due to additional reimbursements. Potentially avoidable hospitalizations of nursing home residents are costly and
may even be harmful for the residents concerned. This study analyzes whether
the introduction, in Germany in 2016, of an additional reimbursement for
outpatient care physicians treating nursing home residents has led to a
reduction in hospital admissions. [...]

Thus, an additional reimbursement for outpatient
care physicians seems to be an effective tool to reduce potentially avoidable
hospital admissions in the nursing home sector. [...]

Quelle: Elsevier, 24.02.2020

« Pflegecontrolling 2020 - das neue Berufsbild im Pflegedienst | Additional reimbursement for outpatient physicians treating nursing home residents reduces avoidable hospital admissions: Results of a reimbursement change in Germany | Germans eye takeover of Priory rehab clinics »

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