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Challenges of implementing diagnostic-related groups and healthcare promotion in Iran: A strategic applied research mydrg.de


Challenges of implementing diagnostic-related groups and healthcare promotion in Iran: A strategic applied research

Challenges of implementing diagnostic-related groups and healthcare promotion in Iran: A strategic applied research (Wiley).

Implementing the diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) promotes the efficiency of healthcare. Therefore, the present study aimed to identify the challenges facing implementing the DRGs in Iran.

The results of the present study showed that the DRG system faced with
challenges and healthcare officials should apply policies and guidelines to
reform the system before changing the reimbursement system in Iran.

Quelle: Wiley, 14.02.2023

« DRG-Update Frühjahr 2023 | Challenges of implementing diagnostic-related groups and healthcare promotion in Iran: A strategic applied research | Bürokraten-Terror in der Herzchirurgie »

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