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Comparison of anatomically designed and point-by-point catheter ablations for human atrial fibrillation in terms of procedure timing and costs in German hospitals


Comparison of anatomically designed and point-by-point catheter ablations for human atrial fibrillation in terms of procedure timing and costs in German hospitals

Comparison of anatomically designed and point-by-point catheter ablations for human atrial fibrillation in terms of procedure timing and costs in German hospitals (Oxford Journals).

« CLINOTEL-Krankenhausverbund weiter auf Wachstumskurs | Comparison of anatomically designed and point-by-point catheter ablations for human atrial fibrillation in terms of procedure timing and costs in German hospitals | Niederrhein-Klinik Korschenbroich kämpfe langfristig ums Überleben »

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