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Impact of Diagnosis-Related-Group (DRG) payment on variation in hospitalization expenditure: evidence from China mydrg.de


Impact of Diagnosis-Related-Group (DRG) payment on variation in hospitalization expenditure: evidence from China

Impact of Diagnosis-Related-Group (DRG) payment on variation in hospitalization expenditure: evidence from China (Springer).

Diagnosis-Related-Group (DRG) payment is considered a crucial means of addressing the rapid increases of medical cost and variation in cost. This paper analyzes the impact of DRG payment on variation in hospitalization expenditure in China.
The Chinese data considered in this study provide evidence that DRG payment can
help reduce variation in medical care costs, suggesting that providers are more
likely to follow clinical guidelines and conduct effective treatment after
taking the risk of overspending, with DRG payment bringing the cost of care
closer to its true clinical value in a way that is not observed for FFS.

Quelle: Springer, 24.06.2023

« Klinikum Wilhelmshaven: Beweisaufnahme noch im Gange | Impact of Diagnosis-Related-Group (DRG) payment on variation in hospitalization expenditure: evidence from China | Mehrere Kliniken im Ruhrgebiet streben eine enge Zusammenarbeit an »

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