Geplante Neuaufstellung der Krankenhausversorgung endet enttäuschend /> Kreisklinik Ebersberg mit schwarzer Null />

Nonunions and Their Operative Treatment-A DRG-Based Epidemiological Analysis for the Years 2007-2019 in Germany


Nonunions and Their Operative Treatment-A DRG-Based Epidemiological Analysis for the Years 2007-2019 in Germany

Nonunions and Their Operative Treatment-A DRG-Based Epidemiological Analysis for the Years 2007-2019 in Germany (Deutsches Ärzteblatt).

[...] The goal of this study was to analyze nonunions in Germany with respect to the patients' age and sex, the anatomical site of the lesions, and their operative treatment.
[...] Despite a slow decline in their incidence, nonunions remain an important problem in the inpatient
setting. The risk profile for nonunions is sex-, age-, and sitespecific.

« Geplante Neuaufstellung der Krankenhausversorgung endet enttäuschend | Nonunions and Their Operative Treatment-A DRG-Based Epidemiological Analysis for the Years 2007-2019 in Germany | Kreisklinik Ebersberg mit schwarzer Null »

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