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Targeted Ordering of Investigations Reduces Costs of Treatment for Surgical Inpatients mydrg.de


Targeted Ordering of Investigations Reduces Costs of Treatment for Surgical Inpatients

Targeted Ordering of Investigations Reduces Costs of Treatment for Surgical Inpatients (Oxford Academic).

Laboratory testing forms an important part of diagnostic investigation in modern medicine, however the over-use of routine blood tests can result in significant potential harm and financial cost to the patient and the healthcare system. In 2018, a new protocol
targeting ordering of investigations was implemented within the General Surgical Teams of Wollongong Hospital in New South Wales (NSW), an Australian tertiary referral hospital, to reduce the
number of routine blood tests as a quality improvement initiative.

Targeted ordering of investigations with personalised education and feedback to
junior staff during review of clinical status of each patient as a part of
normal workflow, can reduce inappropriate ordering of ‘routine blood tests’ and
associated costs to the patient and the healthcare system.

Quelle: Oxford Academic, 14.05.2021

« Abhör-Skandal an Vamed-Klinik Hagen-Ambrock: Klage eingereicht | Targeted Ordering of Investigations Reduces Costs of Treatment for Surgical Inpatients | Improved efficiency of coding systems with health information technology »

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