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Trends in radiotherapy inpatient admissions in Germany: a population-based study over a 10-year period mydrg.de


Trends in radiotherapy inpatient admissions in Germany: a population-based study over a 10-year period

Trends in radiotherapy inpatient admissions in Germany: a population-based study over a 10-year period (Springer).

With the increasing complexity of oncological therapy, the number of inpatient admissions to radiotherapy and non-radiotherapy departments might have changed. In this study, we aim to quantify the number of inpatient cases and the number of radiotherapy fractions delivered under inpatient conditions in
radiotherapy and non-radiotherapy departments.

Our data give evidence to the notion that radiotherapy remains a discipline
with an important inpatient component. Respecting reimbursement measures and
despite older patients with more comorbidities, radiotherapy institutions could
sustain a constant number of cases with limited temporal shifts.

Quelle: Quelle: Springer, 03.09.2021

« Kodierfachkraft m/w/d Ortenau Klinikum Lahr | Trends in radiotherapy inpatient admissions in Germany: a population-based study over a 10-year period | Krankenpfleger überrascht mit eindrucksvoller Ballettaufführung im Krankenhaus »

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